style="margin-top:40px; HEYDAN//OHSUMMER

Sunday, October 31, 2010
So hell week's passed by reallll fast.
Yea, still can't get over how fast it went by.
everything's so far so good.
I hope I can say the same for the rest of the 5 papers.
2 more weeks,
can you believe that?

danialj posted at 4:23 PM

Sunday, October 24, 2010
The sky looks pretty amazing and clear:
something out of the norm for the past few weeks.
Tomorrow's the start of hell week.
I have confidence in every subject except amaths.
But somehow I'm still getting mindfucked.
Probably because I didn't have a solid preparation.

danialj posted at 6:40 PM

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Right now,
I guess pride is my greatest shortcoming and instability.
I got to stop thinking too deep into insignificant matters...

O levels starts this coming Monday.
Can't wait for next week to end,
after that everything we'll sail through like a breeze.
In fact,
I can't wait for everything to be over on the 12 Nov.
Ah, it'll pass by quickly.
Just take a look at this year.
And it feels like there's something missing.

danialj posted at 2:13 AM

Thursday, October 7, 2010
I genuinely don't give two shits anymore.
But if it's any consolation,
you've taught me a thing or two throughout these few months
And I'd like to thank you for that [:

danialj posted at 12:48 AM

Saturday, October 2, 2010
Graduation, oh graduation.
What a fucking way to end it all !
As much as I would love to go back in time and do things differently,
I wouldn't.
It's pretty much perfect the way it all happened.
My first and last impression of the school never changed.
Best 4 years of my life. Ever.
-WSS Class of 2010 !
bila bila Whitley takda kalah !

danialj posted at 7:11 PM